House Removals

How Professional Movers Remove Large Mirrors During Home Removals?

One of the most difficult challenges that the professionals face during home removals, is moving mirrors. Relocating mirrors from one address to another, particularly the bigger, classic ones are quite a bit of a challenge. However, with years of experience and sound knowledge of techniques, the professionals are able to remove the mirrors unharmed, regardless of their size and getup. It’s the same in the case of GT Removals. Our specialists would follow specific techniques to come up with some spotless removal of mirrors.

Mirrors, more so the larger ones are not only fragile, but they are also heavy and cumbersome and are difficult to carry. That is the reason, our specialists offering home removals in Whitechapel and other places in London would take the following steps to ensure spotless mirror removal.

The Preparatory Phase

Understandably, this phase is all about taking the pre-removal preservation steps, to ensure that no harm is inflicted on the mirror during the removal. Our professionals would take the mirror carefully off the wall and tape the glass up by forming an ‘X’ across the surface, with the use of plastic masking tape. This will prevent the glass from breaking even if the mirror bangs (not too strongly though) against a hard surface during the move. This will also prevent the glass shards from scattering all over, in case of any mishap.

Once the taping is done with, our experts in charge of house removals in Wapping or elsewhere in London would add some additional protective layers to the glass as well as the rear surface of the mirror.

They will also take the measurements of the mirror glass and cut down a piece of cardboard, Styrofoam, or bubble wrapper to size so much so that it matches the dimension of the glass perfectly. Now they will insert the cardboard onto the glass, and then tape it to the mirror frame. The same process is followed when wrapping the mirror up with the foam layer or the bubble wrapper.

Protecting the Frame

With the glass now protected, our professionals would turn their attention towards the frame. The frame must have to be protected like the glass. Remember, the frame of a mirror is as much at the risk of damage as the glass of the mirror. Dents and dings during the removal can easily tarnish the look and feel of the mirror, rendering it worthless.

Our moving specialists in and around London would alleviate that risk by using plastic protectors at the edges and corners of the frame as these are the areas that are mostly damaged during the move. These protectors are easily available and they come in handy in a great way during the moving of mirrors. These protectors are available in various sizes and shapes, thicknesses, and lengths to fit in your mirror frame.

Now that the entire mirror is protected adequately, it’s time for the professionals to wrap up the entire mirror in an additional parcel.

Now the mirror is ready for the move. As a responsible service provider of home removals in London, we would appoint two specialists to carry the mirror carefully and take abroad the moving vehicle and place it safely and properly, so that it does not bang against any hard surface during the transit.

Well, this is just an example. We would take equal meticulous care of every asset during the move – something that has made GT Removals one of the most trusted home removal companies in and around London. For further details, call us at 020 3983 5849 or 020 3983 6181.